GO2 began out of necessity as a means to get GO economically challenged participants to and from GO program activities and events. GO2 has now expanded to a “stand alone” program that enables kids in GO’s target communities to have personal transportation to and from GO programs/events, and even transportation to (and from) work and school.
Through GO2 events, participants are exposed to opportunities in which they learn and demonstrate: how to ride a bike and safely navigate the local roads and bike trails, personal responsibility, problem solving skills, leadership skills, attention to detail, proper tool use, and especially team-work and community service.
There are three major components within the #GO2 (Bike Program):
- Each month on the 2ndSaturday Bike Clinics (10am – 2pm)
- #GR8OPPS Bike Rodeo
- Bike Stravaganza A Bike Fair and Festival
One of the challenges for GO2 is procuring bicycles, tools, replacement items (tires, tubes, etc.) and individual helmets for GO participants. If you’d like to help the GO2 Bike Program continue to open the “doors of opportunities”, as a volunteer, or through donation, please contact Great Opportunities.

2nd Saturday Bike Clinics
These clinics are held year-round, and open to all members of the public. At the current time they are being held at the corner of Calle San Diego and Avenida de la Vista (30986 Calle San Diego) from 10am to 2pm. Here, expert bike “wrenchers” are on-hand to teach and help with bike repair and proper maintenance.
GO participants have an opportunity to receive specialized training to become a GO2 Bike LMT (Leader Mentor Teacher) “Wrencher”. #GO2 LMT Wrenchers are provided with a personal bike repair/maintenance tool set and are trained in repair, maintenance, proper tool use, and how to instruct GO participants to ride, repair, and safely use bicycles.
#GR8OPPS Bike Rodeo
GO partners with the Orange County Sheriff’s department and Orange County Fire Authority, and local bike clubs and vendors, to teach bicycle safety and rules of the road through both lecture and demonstration, as well as provide an opportunity to test their skills of operation in an “obstacle course”. GO participants are required to wear shoes and have properly fitting bicycle helmets. If a participant is in need of a helmet, the GO2 program, provides one to the participant.

GO Bike Stravaganza – Bike Fair and Festival
Location and time TBA
The GO Bike Stravaganza is held annually at the Descanso Park in San Juan Capistrano where three bike trails intersect, making it accessible by bicycle from anywhere in South Orange County. It is open to the general public and is a major fund raiser for Great Opportunities GO2 Bike Program, as well as an opportunity to promote a vibrant and safe bike culture in San Juan Capistrano. Live Music, Vendor Booths, A Bike Rodeo that teaches bike safety through lecture and a physical skill “obstacle course”, an 11am family/group ride to Reata Park and back (with aid/repair stations along the way, courtesy of GO2 LMTs), and #GR8OPPS Ride & Dine “map” that helps direct visitors to local places of business, round out the 2019 GO2 Bike Stravaganza.